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The I Ching on the Net

时间:2007-02-12 07:27来源: 作者: 点击:
The I Ching or \"Book of Changes\" is an ancient Chinese divination manual and book of wisdom. Especially since the 1960\'s, its poetic text and extraordinary symbolism — to say nothing of its strange effectiveness in divination — have g

The I Ching or \"Book of Changes\" is an ancient Chinese divination manual and book of wisdom. Especially since the 1960\'s, its poetic text and extraordinary symbolism — to say nothing of its strange effectiveness in divination — have gained it a following in the West.

These pages provide links to I Ching resources on the Internet, and include a brief introduction to the I Ching and to my own translation, Rediscovering the I Ching, with my versions of hexagram 1 Strong Action, and hexagram 21 Biting Through.

· Wilhelm translation  (USA)
· Wilhelm (with commentary) (USA)
· Wilhelm (with commentary) (Norway)

In Chinese  
· GB  (USA)
· S-JIS (Japan)
· b5 Zhouyi Daxiang
· Chinese Diviners
· Divination in Chinese

Unconventional Commentary
· I Ching Algebra
· Aardvark I Ching
