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The 64 Chapters--52(3)

时间:2006-08-31 05:54来源: 作者: 点击:
Six in the fourth place means: Keeping his trunk still. No blame. As has been pointed out above in the comment on the Judgement, keeping the back at rest means forgetting the ego. This is the highest

Six in the fourth place means:
Keeping his trunk still.
No blame.
As has been pointed out above in the comment on the Judgement, keeping the back at rest means forgetting the ego. This is the highest stage of rest. Here this stage has not yet been reached: the individual in this instance, though able to keep the ego, with its thoughts and impulses, in a state of rest, is not yet quite liberated from its dominance. Nonetheless, keeping the heart at rest is an important function, leading in the end to the complete elimination of egotistic drives. Even though at this point one does not yet remain free from all the dangers of doubt and unrest, this frame of mind is not a mistake, as it leads ultimately to that other, higher level.
Six in the fifth place means:
Keeping his jaws still.
The words have order.
Remorse disappears.
A man in a dangerous situation, especially when he is not adequate to it, is inclined to be very free with talk and presumptuous jokes. But injudicious speech easily leads to situations that subsequently give much cause for regret. However, if a man is reserved in speech, his words take ever more definite form, and every occasion for regret vanishes.
Nine at the top means:
Noble-hearted keeping still.
Good fortune.
This marks the consummation of the effort to attain tranquillity. One is at rest, not merely in a small, circumscribed way in regard to matters of detail, but one has also a general resignation in regard to life as a whole, and this confers peace and good fortune in relation to every individual matter.