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The 64 Chapters--47(3)

时间:2006-08-31 05:54来源: 作者: 点击:
If a man permits himself to be oppressed by something that ought not to oppress him, his name will certainly be disgraced. If he leans on things on which one cannot lean, his life will certainly be e

If a man permits himself to be oppressed by something that ought not to oppress him, his name will certainly be disgraced. If he leans on things on which one cannot lean, his life will certainly be endangered. For him who\'s in disgrace and danger, the hour of death draws near; how can he then still see his wife?
Nine in the fourth place means:
He comes very quietly, oppressed in a golden carriage.
Humiliation, but the end is reached.
A well-to-do man sees the need of the lower classes and would like very much to be of help. But instead of proceeding with speed and energy where their is need, he begins in a hesitant and measured way. Then he encounters obstructions. Powerful and wealthy acquaintances draw him into their circle; he has to do as they do and cannot withdraw from them. Hence he finds himself in great embarrassment. But the trouble is transitory. The original strength of his nature offsets the mistake he has made, and the goal is reached.
Nine in the fifth place means:
His nose and feet are cut off.
Oppression at the hands of the man with the purple knee bands.
Joy comes softly.
It furthers one to make offerings and libations.
An individual who has the good of mankind at heart is oppressed from above and below (this is the meaning of the cutting off of nose an defeat). He finds no help among the people whose duty it would be to aid in the work of rescue (ministers wore purple knee bands). But little by little, things take a turn for the better. Till that time, he should turn to God, firm in his inner composure, and pray and offer sacrifice for the general well-being.
Six at the top means:
He is oppressed by creeping vines.
He moves uncertainly and says,
\"Movement brings remorse.\"
If one feels remorse over this and makes a start,
Good fortune comes.
A man is oppressed by bonds that can easily be broken. The distress is drawing to an end. But he is still irresolute; he is still influenced by the previous condition and fears that he may have cause for regret if he makes a move. But as soon as he grasps the situation, changes this mental attitude, and makes a firm decision, he masters the oppression.