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The 64 Chapters--18(3)

时间:2006-08-31 05:54来源: 作者: 点击:
Six in the fourth place means: Tolerating what has been spoiled by the father. In continuing one sees humiliation. This shows the situation of someone too weak to take measures against decay that has

Six in the fourth place means:
Tolerating what has been spoiled by the father.
In continuing one sees humiliation.
This shows the situation of someone too weak to take measures against decay that has its roots in the past and is just beginning to manifest itself. It is allowed to run its course. If this continues, humiliation will result.
Six in the fifth place means:
Setting right what has been spoiled by the father.
One meets with praise.
An individual is confronted with corruption originating from neglect in former times. He lacks the power to ward it off alone, but with able helpers he can at least bring about a thorough reform, if he cannot create a new beginning, and this also is praiseworthy.
Nine at the top means:
He does not serve kings and princes,
Sets himself higher goals.
Not every man has an obligation to mingle in the affairs of the world. There are some who are developed to such a degree that they are justified in letting the world go its own way and refusing to enter public life with a view to reforming it. But this does not imply a right to remain idle or to sit back and merely criticise. Such withdrawal is justified only when we strive to realise in ourselves the higher aims of mankind. For although the sage remains distant from the turmoil of daily life, he creates incomparable human values for the future.