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The 64 Chapters--2(II)(3)

时间:2006-08-31 05:54来源: 作者: 点击:
When all the lines are sixes, it means: Lasting perseverance furthers.* When nothing but sixes appears, the hexagram of the receptive changes into the hexagram of the creative. By holding fast to wha

When all the lines are sixes, it means:
Lasting perseverance furthers.*
When nothing but sixes appears, the hexagram of the receptive changes into the hexagram of the creative. By holding fast to what is right, it gains the power of enduring. There is indeed no advance, but neither is there retrogression.
*When all the lines are sixes, it means: Lasting perseverance from contamination.
The whole hexagram is motivated to change into the hexagram Chien (1). The sixes changed into nines are considered internal changes; and nines changed to sixes are external. Learn to cope with all changes. Do not let mutation restrain any thoughts and actions. By holding what is right and pure, with a broad vision, proper results may be rewarded.
Use (of) the sixes, (be) not used by the sixes, means:
Avoid any internal influential changes. Do not create any self-entrapment. Do away with the subjective view of prejudice and handle all matters objectively.
- Information supplied by James S. Lee.