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The 64 Chapters--19(3)

时间:2006-08-31 05:54来源: 作者: 点击:
Wise approach. This is right for a great prince. Good fortune. A prince, or anyone in a leading position, must have the wisdom to attract to himself people of ability who are expert in directing affa

Wise approach.
This is right for a great prince.
Good fortune.
A prince, or anyone in a leading position, must have the wisdom to attract to himself people of ability who are expert in directing affairs. His wisdom consists both in selecting the right people and in allowing those chosen to have a free hand without interference from him. For only through such self- restraint will he find the experts needed to satisfy all of his requirements.
Six at the top means:
Great hearted approach.
Good-hearted approach.
Good fortune. No blame.
A sage who has put the world behind him and who in spirit has already withdrawn from life may, under certain circumstances, decide to return once more to the here and now and to approach other men. This means great good fortune for the men whom he teaches and helps. And for him this great hearted humbling of himself is blameless.