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时间:2007-08-26 23:27来源: 作者: 点击:
Below is a Q A quoted from a forum on “I Ching Management”. The writer explained the significance of divination as to extend to the meaning of Relativity. A young regional marketing manager raised

  Below is a Q & A quoted from a forum on “I Ching & Management”. The writer explained the significance of divination as to extend to the meaning of Relativity. A young regional marketing manager raised this question.

  Q: As a manager, I often feel difficult to make a choice, for example, when A & B look as if their goods and bads are accounted for equal weights that can’t tell the difference. What can I do?

  A: When warlords in the olden days were indecisive on tactics, as something might be beyond their intelligence, they went for divination. I am not saying I am going to teach you divination, but wish to give you some hints on the subject. The purpose of divination is surely for clearing doubts, but equally important is the revelation that the “line judgment” brings. In other words, having chosen A, there might be messages for you to fulfill some requirements. When these “requirements” appear, you can see the differences between A and B, which you have never seen before. For the same reason, when encountering difficult situation for choice, though A and B superficially look the same, there exists relative difference between them. Yet, before these differences have fully developed, they will not surface. Therefore, you don’t notice. Hence, what can we do at this moment? At this moment, we need to think of a bit deeper to consider those matters like self-attitude, tight/loose sense of linking, effect of centripetal force, perseverance, the position in the cycle, etc. Overall, at the moment of making decision, the more inconspicuous the things are, the more indicative and the more important they might be, because they could sow the seeds of either the good, the bad or the ugly. For most of the issues, we can definitely use our intelligence or logic to exercise decision-making. Nevertheless, divination is the last resort, which has only to be used in a cautious manner when really needed.[Page]

  2. Moral significance
  The significance in the act of divination is to provide inspiration and compliment on problem solving, judgment making or situation analyzing, which are beyond human’s intelligence and logics to manage. The significance of divination is for people to act accordingly but not simply to tell auspices or evil omens. Therefore, we agree that Zhou Yi divination is full of moral significance.
