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  • 天文历法 春节的习俗 日期:2007-02-17 06:17:08 点击:1721 好评:0

    春节是我国一个古老的节日,也是全年最重要的一个节日,如何过庆贺这个节日,在千百年的历史发展中,形成了一些较为固定的风俗习惯,有许多还相传至今。 扫尘 “腊月二十四,掸尘扫房子” ,据《吕氏春秋》记载,我国在尧舜时代就有春节扫尘的风俗。按民间的...

  • 天文历法 春节和年的传说 日期:2007-02-17 06:14:00 点击:1569 好评:0


  • 天文历法 春节的来源 日期:2007-02-17 06:13:21 点击:1905 好评:0

    春节是中国最富有特色的传统节日。它标志农历旧的一年结束。 新的一年已经开始。人们将告别寒冷单调的冬季,迎接生机盎然的春天。 春节原名“元旦”,隋代杜台卿在《五烛宝典》中说:“正月为端月,其一日为元日,亦云正朝,亦云元朔。”“元”的本意为“头...

  • 易学基础 Nature of yin and yang 日期:2007-02-12 07:43:31 点击:590 好评:0

    Anyone who has walked down the shady side of a street on a summer\'s day, found it a bit chilly, and thought to themselves to cross over to the sunny side of the street to enjoy the warmth of the sun has, whether they realise it or not, ma...

  • 易学基础 Whats the difference between Yijing and I Ching? 日期:2007-02-12 07:43:09 点击:215 好评:0

    'Yijing' is the more modern pinyin transliteration of the two Chinese characters, 'yi' (change) and 'jing' (book or classic) that used to be represented in the old Wade-Giles system as 'I Ching'. Mandarin (putonghua) pronunciation of both...

  • 易学基础 I Ching, Yijing, iching, Zhouyi? 日期:2007-02-12 07:35:51 点击:342 好评:0

    As for the issue of names, it really involves two questions - what to call the book, and how to spell it? I Ching or Yijing? I Ching and Yi Jing are just alternative English spellings of the same two Chinese characters, meaning 'Change Cla...

  • 易学基础 I Ching Basics 日期:2007-02-12 07:28:27 点击:360 好评:0

    You can ask yes or no questions, but there are better ways to phrase your questions. The I Ching does not contain a kua or a line that answers \"Yes\" or \"No.\" But, if you ask a question that requires a yes or no answer such as, \"Should...

  • 易学基础 The I Ching on the Net 日期:2007-02-12 07:27:26 点击:354 好评:0

    The I Ching or \"Book of Changes\" is an ancient Chinese divination manual and book of wisdom. Especially since the 1960\'s, its poetic text and extraordinary symbolism — to say nothing of its strange effectiveness in divination — have g...

  • 天文历法 节气预测丰歉(3) 日期:2007-02-05 21:23:11 点击:281 好评:0

    清明无雨麦成实,立夏无雨麦堪疑, 若是东风兼西风,六七月中雨必空; 谷雨宜雨不宜风,三月十七雨蒙蒙, 更加小满滂沱下,加上老农笑轰轰, 五月芒种无雨忧,此夜南风闪电愁, 二十六日无云雨,哭煞禾苗干地死, 小暑无雨十八风,大暑南阳满天空, 立秋前后...

  • 天文历法 节气预测丰歉(2) 日期:2007-02-05 21:22:45 点击:264 好评:0

    立春东风,麦贱丰收; 南来风稔,西来虫蝗,人民不安; 北来泉涌。 又: 夏至日东风,八月人多灾;南风,大收;北风,有水。 又: 立秋日东风,人病,草木犹菜; 南来,草凶;西风来,大吉;北风,冬多雷。 占秋分日: 东风,百物不实,米谷贵; 南风,人民...

  • 古法禄命中的年月日时


  • 五行真机颠倒颠


  • 黄帝历法为正宗之历法

    古时代,人们为了生产与生活需要治历明时,需要观象授时, 需要用时间来调解规范人类的...