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时间:2006-11-28 19:57来源: 作者:周蓉 点击:
onymou s to the tempo- spat ial view of relat ivity in modern physics, being a dynam ic coo rdi2 nate in t im e and space. W h ile t im e and space are two impo rtan t lingu ist ic elem en t s in de2

  onymou s to the tempo- spat ial view of relat ivity in modern physics, being a dynam ic coo rdi2
  nate in t im e and space. W h ile t im e and space are two impo rtan t lingu ist ic elem en t s in de2
  scrib ing ob ject ive en t it ies of the un iverse, in the eyes of the Ch inese they are clo sely related
  w ith the concep t s of yin, yang, and the f ive elem en t s and the understanding of the un ity be2
  tw een heaven and m an. Such agreem en t betw een the stem s and b ranches and the modern
  physics is wo rth con sidering.
  Key words: sym bo ls of heaven ly stem s and earth ly b ranches; tempo- spat ial view; un ity be2
  tw een heaven and m an
    作者简介: 周蓉(19642) , 女, 陕西西安人, 编辑, 文学硕士, 从事中国古代文学研究.
